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Custom rims? You are in the right place. Take a look.

powder coating vintage church bells
  • The benefits of powder coating go beyond patio chairs and car frames.

More and more of our customers come to us with vintage items for powder coating. They have seen the effectiveness of dry abrasive blasting in removing rust and corrosion.

American Dry Stripping™ & Xtreme Coatings helps people with powder coating service needs. We are based in Milford, Connecticut and serve customers in metropolitan New York and surrounding counties, Long Island, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. Contact us to learn more.

Click the link below ⬇ to see our powdering coating portfolios!

We offer a pick-up and delivery service.

powder coating vintage church bells
Dry abrasive blasting and powder coating vintage church bell in bronze

New Methods, Better Protection

When the original finish has gone to the dogs, there’s no good reason to stick with old or original methods of coating. Powder coating looks great, is extremely durable, and protects metal from rust.

A beautiful silver-veined, vintage radiator restored with powder coating

Powder coating vintage items provides a true, lasting finish that brings out their beauty and will protect the historic items for years to come.

Powder Coating Saves You Money

Without a doubt, you can run to the Depot and grab spray-on rust protector and a can of paint to “get the job done.”

Not only will this approach incur the mess and stress that any DIY project brings, but remember: paint is wet. It runs, and it takes days to dry and cure.

Powder coating is cured within 20 minutes of removal from the curing oven.

From Blast to Finish

All of our jobs start with the correct and best method for surface preparation, including dry media blasting for total removal of prior coatings, using the right grit, angle and pressure to ensure no damage to the item.

In our 35 years in business, we’ve seen every kind of item through our doors… almost anything you can imagine.

Surface Prep Lexan Boxes
Surface preparation to these Lexan boxes creates a frosted look.

In powder coating, we work with you to ensure you get the color you want. Powder coating uses electrostatic charges which attract the powder to the metal. This ensures consistent thickness and total coverage.

But it’s after you bring it home that you will see the real benefit. Powder coating stands up to environmental stresses and requires less touch ups.

In powder coating vintage items, the value is in the long term. Investing in a coating that will protect the item makes sense now, and pays off.

Do you have rusted vintage metal you want to protect from the elements? Let us know how we can help.

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